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TITLE  : 5 Sc 1 '94 - Where our love blossom
AUTHOR : AJK Kebersihan
PAGE   : 4 of 5
It was during Ramadhan, so....nobody had to bother about lunch and food. After we laid down the rubber mat, we all sat in satisfaction....and it was one of our best days in 94. We took pictures together before we left the class.... That was the start of 7 months of laughters and great friendships....

Our efforts were praised by other teachers and friends. Soon after that, each senior class started to redecorate and clean their classes. 5 Sc 2 got a rubber mat too, and also changed the table arrangement..

We were really proud the first time 5 Sc 1 was announced as the cleanest class of the week. After that, there was nothing unusual about it.... Our class won quite a lot....One more thing about my class, we had a fierce clash with our History teacher - Gedebe. Co-incidentally, he was in charged of the discipline and he had a great influence on many things. At the end of the year, one class would be chosen as the cleanest class of the year. It would be based on how many times your class had won the weekly cleanliness competition. So, undoubtedly our class had won the most...and we should have won it. But because Gedebe did not like us so much.... much to our annoyance, he gave the award to a form 4 class. Ooo well, at least we enjoyed all the time we slept in the class, Buncit even had pillows and mattress in the class!


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