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TITLE  : Melayu Baru
PAGE   : 4 of 7
It is also said that when Musa Hitam, the promoter of the New Malay concept, became Education Minister he instructed the Ministry of Education to down-play the role of the MCKK. The purpose of this was to break the elitism that was emerging. At the rate things were going, in no time at all the entire government would have been filled by old boys. What Musa Hitam was probably worried about was that he was not an old boy of the MCKK and there was no way he could stay in power if the power base of the government was the old boy network.

The result of this policy can be seen today. MCKK stood still while the other schools developed into premier schools. The MCKK is now a dilapidated old building. What was once the pride of the Malays now stands as a reminder of what used to be but is no longer there. For that matter, the last time we won a rugby match against Vajiravudh College was in 1963; 32 years ago. The MCKK was given a slight reprieve when the Queen (of England that is) visited Malaysia. She only wanted to visit the Eaton of the East and no other school. This forced the government to spruce up the College building a bit; at least the parts where the Queen would see. Unfortunately the toilets were never done up. It would have helped if the Queen had needed to take a pee (or whatever they call it in palace language). Maybe then the toilets would have some doors on them. As it is now the whole school would know whether you had fish head curry for lunch.

Anyhow, the MCKK can be said to be a great contributor in bringing the Malays out of the kampongs into positions of authority in the government and business. Initially this worked fine. Then the politicians ran out of slogans. In the early days after the war (the Second World War that is) the slogan was Merdeka. After that it was Bahasa Kebangsaan.


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