You Miss Any of Your Mails?
worry - this site keeps some of the mails from the 9094 mail list .
list is co-maintained by Mr Jures Yahya (previously at Vanderbilt
Univeristy and currently attached to Telekom Malaysia) and Syed
Mohd. Jamalullail Bilfagih bin Syed Mahdar Bilfagih aka Moto; an
engineering student at Blois University, Republic of France.
list is hosted by YahooGroups and therefore is subject to rules
and regulations as prescribed by YahooGroups.
subscribe to the list, simply send a blank e-mail to this address,
or enter your e-mail into the form on the left hand column.
If you
are too 'technologically impaired' to follow that simple instruction
but desperately want to join the group - you can e-mail the webmaster
or the moderators.
You are required to state your financial position and the moderators
may ask you to deposit an arbitrary amount of cash to their accounts
- your membership to this exclusively saucy mailing list will be
activated upon receipt of that cash. To avoid possible legal wrangling
in the future, the webmaster abdicates any responsibility in the
event that the moderators display obscene and pervert behaviours
in their correspondence with you - since their peculiar sexual habits
have been medically tested and documented.
To find
out more about the list and all e-mails sent within the past twelve
months, please visit YahooGroups page:
update 15 March 2001
This site is maintained
by Ooi Guan Kok, who once taught Biology in Malay College. Master
Ooi Guan Kok is presently a freelance writer based in Karai, Sungei