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. journal
Journal 9094


Chronicles Of 9094

The end of 1993 did put us in a great mess. Everyone was really looking forward to 1994 because we thought we had waited so long for it (I think every batch has this feeling and impatience!). However, there was a major change in college policies with regards to the dormitory system. By the time we knew about it, they had already decided that Big School would only accommodate Form 4s and Form 5s. My batch went 'bananas' about it, I am sure they were hoping to have Form 3s in their dorms ( I don’t think I have to elaborate this further...) Some of them even had their own intricate plans of what they would do in 1994. So, you can imagine the frustration. I am sure most of us have forgotten this.

I don't spend my time reminiscing this (though I risk sound like one!) but I don't forget it altogether. Remember the petition; how hard to get some of us to sign it....remember all the hopeless negotiation with wardens and juniors, remember how we had to convince our juniors, and how foolish we felt when they easily repudiated everything, remember all the badgering.....Suddenly, we found ourselves alone, as if we were the persona non grata in our own world, as if everybody had turned their backs against us... Everything changed only when the headmaster, Tuan Haji Hassan made a profoundly astonishing and unexpected decision to stick to the old system. At least it thought some of us politics at a very early stage in our life - no doubt Malay College does prepare a good ground for political and business leaders since politicking is rife in MCKK. Lobbying, negotiation and diplomacy (even threat) was a must if you want to be someone in MC!

Most of us left koleq in 1993 with hopes, as great as the ones shattered when we left New Hostel in 1991....

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