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. journal
Journal 9094


Chronicles Of 9094

After that, much of our time was occupied with ‘Projek Selepas SRP’. From the name itself, I am sure all of you can figure out how ‘interesting’ it was. I was assigned to organise a few events relating to Bahasa Melayu. Since it was immensely boring, I found myself with other group of students building a small green house near the Prep School Dining Hall. This was the time when I found a great company with some people and Cikgu Khalid Anjang, because the others were busy playing football at padang Big School. I spent most of my time playing around with hammers and sickles, which I thought was better than fooling myself on the field.

I think most of us will agree if I say that every thing was fine after the SRP. I still have a great affection for Cikgu Halizah Bidin (nothing dodgy here..), and I am sure most of you guys feel the same way. Remember the meeting at Padang Prep School after the 'incidents' during the organised trips for us? She cried because of us and I still feel really guilty because of it (not that I think about it every day laaa - I have life too you know!). Remember the meeting at TAR Hall with Cikgu Rashdi; where he mentioned the word ‘crisis’ for hundreds of times? Remember the English class with Jackpie?

I think 1992 was good for almost all of us. Personally, it was one of the most historical moments in my life because we won the Prime Minister Cup after 12 years. For others, that was the year when we all got to do what we wanted to do, although there were some rules impinged on us....but hey - it could have been worse!

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