
Number of Guests: 96
Visitor: anip ali
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: amberdrake_skane@yahoo.com Date: Sun, May 09,
1999 at 03:21:27 (EDT)
Comments: i just don't really know what happen to u all right
now.......but still i keep on thinking of the past years...kalau ada apa apa tu feel free
to contact me......banyak yang aku hilang....banyak yang aku lupa....soryyyyy.....short
term memory lost....my brain keeps going on and off..... 
Visitor: mohd hanif hj mohd ali
Reference: just surfing around Location: matu WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: amberdrake_skane@yahoo.com Date:
Sun, May 09, 1999 at 03:06:53 (EDT)
Comments: ok le daripada takde 
Visitor: mohd hanif hj mohd ali
Reference: just surfing around Location: matu WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: amberdrake_skane@yahoo.com Date:
Sun, May 09, 1999 at 03:06:18 (EDT)
Comments: ok le daripada takde 
Visitor: Rafizi Ramli
Reference: Tak kenal aku saje leee... Location: Kampung Ulu Banat, Mukim Hulu Jarai
WebSite: UKEC Web Info: Contact: rafizi@ukec.com Date: Tuesday, Dec 29, 1998 at 13:54:42
Comments: Hi! Aku nak mintak maaf for Hari Raya and Selamat Berpuasa and
Selamat Hari Raya.. (though dugaan bulan puasa ni gila teruk compared ngan last year... he
he he, tanya Jita!!). To those yang pi que at 6.30 am for NEXT nya sale, I feel sorry for
you guys because you guys are SO SAD!!! But since raya, I forgive you for ringing at 5.00
am just to mengada-ngada. Makan minum - halalkanlah... in particular budak-budak Leman
yang selalu kenakan aku macam Sharap dulu. To Fly, aku punya CD and cassette hilang ke
mana entah... Eeee seronoknya, last raya kat UK! Lepas ni beraya sakanlah aku.... Don't
forget reunion tau, though Fadli won't be around sebab dia stranded nak gi Greece. Tu lah,
cerita kat satu dunia dia nak pi tour, kang nak stranded, padan muka!!! Dulu gelak kat aku
masa aku stranded kat Zurich!! Kalau nak lagu raya, gi kat Radio malaysia Melaka On-Line -
banyak lagu raya. Terawih jangan tinggal tau.... Babai, raya elok-elok, jangan putus jari
(BELL....THIS IS A TRIBUTE TO Rahimi, takkan tak perasan kot!!) *ROUGH* |
Visitor: Hugh Thomas
Reference: Have a lot of time to waste Location: United Kingdom of course WebSite: ECOM Web Info: Contact: h.thomas@ecom.co.uk Date: Fri, Dec 25, 1998 at
22:54:49 (EST)
Comments: Before I wake there entered in A woman with a golden skin That
tangled with the light. A tang of archads climbed the stair And dwindled in the waxen air
Crsiping the mindnight. And the white pillows of my bed On apple-tasted darkness fed
Weakened with appetite. Sleep broke like a dish wherein A woman lay with golden skin. -
Visitor: MHBO
Reference: cari.com Location: kl WebSite: VISIT
MY HOMEPAGE TODAY! Web Info: VISIT MY HOMEPAGE TODAY! Contact: aku@koleq.zzn.com Date: Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 01:37:07
Comments: HIDUP KOLEQ! 
Visitor: MHBO
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web
Info: VISIT MY HOMEPAGE TODAY! Contact: Date: Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at
01:35:58 (EST)
Comments: HIDUP KOLEQ 
Visitor: Rough
Reference: Takkan tak kenal aku kot.... Location: Why do we have this kind of question??
WebSite: Web Info: Contact: rafizi@ukec.com
Date: Sun, Dec 06, 1998 at 20:02:22 (EST)
Comments: Hmm.... at last the hp is moved somewhere else... At least we
can be sure of its survival even after Jures went back to Malaysia for good... Perasan tak
budak KE kat bawah? Eeee... dodgy nya; I certainly would not say something nice about
other boys school like that... Unless.... ( you can figure out yourself what I'm getting
at here.. ) By the way Moto - I could not login or create a new account at your so call
free e-mail... They said my password is not correct? Are you sure it works? Or is it macam
Projek Rekacipta dulu je?? ( Not staring at anyone.... ) Kay lah.... Hey.. nice to hear
someone MIA for so long like Peah is still alive and kicking.... Ta ta - interim report
nya deadline esok; I've spent the weekend doing nothing; Muta spent the weekend jamming!!
Weird world... ROUGH. Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans |
Visitor: Rough
Reference: Takkan tak kenal aku kot.... Location: Why do we have this kind of question??
WebSite: Web Info: Contact: rafizi@ukec.com
Date: Sun, Dec 06, 1998 at 20:01:43 (EST)
Comments: Hmm.... at last the hp is moved somewhere else... At least we
can be sure of its survival even after Jures went back to Malaysia for good... Perasan tak
budak KE kat bawah? Eeee... dodgy nya; I certainly would not say something nice about
other boys school like that... Unless.... ( you can figure out yourself what I'm getting
at here.. ) By the way Moto - I could not login or create a new account at your so call
free e-mail... They said my password is not correct? Are you sure it works? Or is it macam
Projek Rekacipta dulu je?? ( Not staring at anyone.... ) Kay lah.... Hey.. nice to hear
someone MIA for so long like Peah is still alive and kicking.... Ta ta - interim report
nya deadline esok; I've spent the weekend doing nothing; Muta spent the weekend jamming!!
Weird world... ROUGH. Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans
Visitor: webmaster
Reference: Location: WebSite: Free Mail utk budak koleq
Web Info: Contact: webmaster@koleq.zzn.com
Date: Sun, Dec 06, 1998 at 14:31:57 (EST)
Comments: Woi budak koleq sekalian ... pergilah buat email korang free
kat koleq.zzn.com. jangan segan siluuu 
Visitor: peah
Reference: dalam keyboard kut? Location: Alahai....banyak nyer soal...TENSION WebSite: maleh nak bagitau. Web Info: ish..... Contact: moonr@tmnet.com.my Date: Fri, Nov 27, 1998 at
15:38:20 (EST)
Comments: err...nice h/page hmm....korang ingat aku lagi ker nie? tak
ingat tak po la... Hmm...bebudak mesia bila nak buat gathering??? Kali nie kalau nak buat
biar jadi la !! Aku sure join nyer...ahaks Oklah, sambung kerja sikit. Assalamualaikum. |
Visitor: imran
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Fri, Nov 27, 1998 at 11:11:20 (EST)
Comments: ok dah pindah domain address panjang giler, ok nak try
guestbook jadik ker idak ni . Elok jek aku email cakap dah pindah , trus jures shut
directory dia , cehh |
Visitor: adnanharis
Reference: internet Location: King Edward VII School, Taiping. WebSite: local metal scene Web Info: all contains of
news Contact: nanharis@hotmail.com Date:
Tuesday, Nov 03, 1998 at 03:15:40 (EST)
Comments: you are great guys keep on MCKKwhere ever you go. spread your
wings all over country see you guys Tiger,90-94 
Visitor: imran
Reference: Location: WebSite: reformasi Web Info:
Contact: Date: Thurs, Oct 29, 1998 at 02:06:22 (EST)
Comments: baru siap arkib reformasi , heh 5 jam buat |
Visitor: mohd tajudin amin
Reference: looking for Koleq sites Location: kuala lumpur WebSite:
Web Info: Contact: mtamin@tm.net.my Date: Tuesday,
Oct 20, 1998 at 14:14:39
Comments: Good job.However,must update regularly. I still recall the Old
Boys Weekend in 1994 when I was playing with Thoroughbreds Band. Your batch put up a weird
show...I just cannot understand your music.Maybe I was too old for it. Now you guys have
become adults and talk about Reformasi... sudah register as voter ke? |
Visitor: nina
Reference: aku melalut Location: kedah WebSite: Web Info: Contact: Date: Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 10:45:58 (EDT)
Comments: nice homepage.semoga success selalu. 
Visitor: Guess which BRU got C3 in SPM?
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: reformasi@reformasi.com Date: Tuesday, Oct 13,
1998 at 17:55:01 (EDT)
Comments: Dear guys, What happened? It has been years and years and I
haven't heard anything. Don't give me that typical 'busy' lame excuses - because I don't
buy it... Hello???? Wake up man.... It's really weird that I haven't heard anything from
any of you guys... let alone that everyone is so passionate about reformasi nowadays....
Come on guys, say something, yell it..... Reformasi!!! In a way, I alwasy consider our
batch as the 'reformist' batch - because we changed everything ( though it only last for a
year ). No bikes, nice prefects, nice teachers, fail SPM... you name it... we 'reform'
everything.... I guess some updating would help because it seems it has been ages since
some pne did something to uplift this hp. By the way, we are gonna hold a major UK reunion
soon... I will be the official chef for the last time... Promise you guys to cook really
nice food and I think we really should hold the tahlil for Kiwi. Please and please come. |
Visitor: mache9296
Reference: netscape Location: machang WebSite: Web Info: Contact: mache79@mailcity.com Date: Fri, Oct 09, 1998 at
22:34:09 (EDT)
Comments: ok........ 
Visitor: Amex
Reference: Member korang Location: France WebSite: Telekom
Malaysia Students in France Web Info: Homepej TAK RASMI student TM kat France Contact:
Date: Tuesday, Sep 22, 1998 at 17:08:18 (EDT)
Comments: Nice homepage.. Kepada sesiapa yang tidak tahu, ada seorang
budak batch anda semua di France. Lawatlah homepage kami untuk mengetahui dengan lebih
mendalam |
Visitor: STAR86
Reference: Location: WebSite: STAR86
Homepage Web Info: Contact: Date: Tuesday, Aug 25, 1998 at
21:18:57 (EDT)
Comments: I'm trying to say something nice here. All I can say is you
have a fine website so keep up the good work. Do visit the STARians 82-86 Homepage. Plenty of
References to TKC, MCKK and other old friends in the articles. 
Visitor: Mohd Zulhelmie
Reference: coincidence Location: Kuala Lumpur WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: afleck42@hotmail.com Date: Sat, Aug 22,
1998 at 13:27:48 (EDT)
Comments: What a wonderful site! 
Visitor: Samping Koleq
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: koleq@best.com Date: Sun, Aug 16, 1998 at 06:53:28 (EDT)
Visitor: someone
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Sat, Aug 15, 1998 at 19:36:29 (EDT)
Comments: kau rupanya yang buat article semua tu, rafizi ?
Visitor: Rafizi Ramli
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: chairman@ukec.com Date: Sun, Aug 09, 1998 at 03:15:26
Comments: Boring nya... Bila nak update... Hantu nya Jures, aku punya lah
susah payah modify articles etc.etc.etc and send kat dia.. Dia best-best je balik holiday
kat Malaysia... Menghabiskan bil phone internet je... By the way, dah ada orang kahwin ke?
Now musim orang kahwin, semua orang cakap pasal budak batch tu kahwin lah, budak ni kahwin
lah... Kuchai tak kahwin lagi ke? 
Visitor: Mohd. Nubairi
Reference: Internet Location: Koleq WebSite: Web Info: Contact: bita@hotmail.com Date: Sun, Aug 09, 1998 at 01:37:15
Comments: No comment. 
Visitor: Khairul Effendy A. Zainudin
Reference: search engine Location: I was your 5th former.....86-68-90 :) WebSite: Not yet Web Info: Not yet Contact: kahmadz@hotmail.com Date: Tuesday, Jul 28, 1998 at
07:48:45 (EDT)
Comments: A'kum, Excellent job guys,.. one of the best koleq homepage
i've ever seen. Congratulations to those who managed to squeeze themselves to the top
univ's locally and abroad. Esp. those who went to Imperial College....5 of our batch 8690
went to University College London (UCL)including me but NONE went to Imperial!. It seems
that you are better than us. Congrats guys. 
Visitor: sid vicious
Reference: hell Location: ssakti WebSite: Web
Info: Contact: mc's suck Date: Sat, Jun 27, 1998 at
09:52:31 (EDT)
Comments: my hell warden is a former koleq student... so sick of it all
Visitor: Mark . Stephenson
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: chipper@pathcom.com Date: Mon, Jun 15, 1998 at
22:44:23 (EDT)
Comments: I need to get in contact with a teacher by the name of Azizazh
Amin at MCKK Please help me if you can. 
Visitor: fadly
Reference: Location: shah alam,selangor WebSite: none Web Info:
Contact: fadly77@hotmail.com Date: Mon, Jun 15,
1998 at 00:03:22 (EDT)
Comments: first of all, congratulation for your homepage. it is
interesting and efficient. i have a friend in your batch. he's name is didee ezral. we are
classmate and roommate in itm perak. we take a same course, computer science. so, we now
do practical training for a 4 months. i do a practical training at subang jaya and didee
at kl. i think u still remember with didee . thats all for my story chow... GOOD LUCK!!!
Visitor: brownies
Reference: Codak News Network Location: -- WebSite: Updated
news from Conak News Network Web Info: you should know what i mean :) Contact: nobody@nowhere.com Date: Fri, Jun 12, 1998 at
19:12:49 (EDT)
Comments: Codak News Network masih berkesan !! tahniah
Visitor: cappyy
Reference: my sense Location: perak WebSite: class of 94 Web Info:
excellent Contact: cappyy@pc.jaring.my Date: Wed,
Jun 10, 1998 at 21:21:37 (EDT)
Comments: thank you very much for being the best school ...
Visitor: E66 (80-84)
Reference: surfing Location: jb WebSite: Web Info: Contact: worldturning@hotmail.com Date: Tuesday, Jun 09,
1998 at 00:49:42 (EDT)
Comments: Nice stuff! I have one question...I saw Butterfingers on tv
last nite and tell me if it was the same foursome on stage during the Old Boys Weekend in
1994? Good luck, boys. I was around 10 years before you guys. And don't worry about the
childish person. He has aspirations to be in Spice Girls and would not have survived in
80s MCKK. Ciao!
Visitor: gabye hensem
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: groblotte@hotmail.com Date: Fri, May 29, 1998 at
02:00:30 (EDT)
Comments: saye budak baru di sini & ingin berkenalan dengan kawan2
semua. |
Visitor: Ganesh R. G. Motilal
Reference: surfin' Location: USA WebSite: Web Info: Contact: grmotilal@hotmail.com Date: Wed, May 27, 1998 at
17:09:49 (EDT)
Comments: Greetings/Aslamulaikum/Namaste/Vanakum:- Hi: Sure was nice to
see there's home page for Malay College,place that was not far from Clifford Secondary
School along Taiping Road. Been many, many moon years that I can remember Kuala Kangsar,
but still Malay College can be seen on the net. Good Job. 
Visitor: Rough
Reference: Location: WebSite: How I found love and lost... Web Info:
Contact: westwing@big-school.com Date: Sun,
May 24, 1998 at 09:00:49 (EDT)
Comments: ... How you suffer for your sanity.... ....This world is never
meant for someone as beautiful as you..... 
Visitor: Gek Tan Fukushima
Reference: Through Inforseek & Yahoo Location: Originally Kuala Lumpur WebSite: Web Info: Contact: tfukush_osu@osu.net
Date: Sat, May 09, 1998 at 00:25:13 (EDT)
Comments: I enjoyed very much visiting your web site and learning about
the Malay College at Kuala Kangsar. I'm planning to enter a program in historic
preservation and to perhaps focus on old school buildings in Malaysia. I will be returning
to Malaysia next week and hope very much to be able to visit the Malay College.
Web Info: NIL Contact: SOID@USA.NET Date: Sat, May 02,
1998 at 23:25:27 (EDT)
Visitor: lina,jb
Reference: mencari bahan-bahan alumni Location: WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: Date: Wed, Apr 15, 1998 at 00:20:44 (EDT)
Comments: sila masukkan alumni anda untuk kemudahan mencari rakan-rakan
Reference: while surfing for teaching materials Location: junior college lecturer/tutor
(Spore) WebSite: Web Info: Contact: zai13027@singnet.com.sg Date: Sun, Apr 12, 1998
at 02:38:25 (EDT)
Comments: The 4 articles are interesting - i think that section should be
updated regularly...one comment abt the childish 'guest' - if i'm not mistaken he's an
undergrad - but just look at his maturity level - he is just wasting everybody's money
& time - wat a malay male chauvinistic PIG!!! such an idiotic guy!!!! Tiada tatatertib
langsung - & to think he is a Msian-Malay - yang penuh dgn tatatertib - not only that
- he's supposed to be the cream of the Malay society-& just bcos u're abroad , you
dont have to flaunt your desperately, lowly-graded English - a total shame to the Malay
commy & the English language - that is not the way to show that you are an academian!
Please grow up! Don't be a cry-baby! And PLEASE KEEP THIS IN YOUR HEAD WHICH NEEDS SOME
Visitor: roszaimy
Reference: aku budak koleq Location: Indiana WebSite: Homepage Web Info: personal homepage Contact: myaacob@indiana.edu Date: Sat, Apr 11, 1998 at
17:16:38 (EDT)
Comments: assalamualaikum, nice page. aku kenal korang berdua ni,
tetambah jures BRU, kahkahkah... kau tak rindu kat izzat ke? 
Visitor: Rough
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: -tak yah le... bukan nak contact pun!
Comments: Help.... I think that my life is getting nearer to the end. I
don't wanna die yet, I am still a VIRGIN!!!! Opps... I might have offended someone.....
Err, unintentionally hah... Firday prayer.... But it's snowing outside, and this is the
so-called spring!!! If there is one thing that is true about Britain, the weather is
really like shit! |
Visitor: shekin
Reference: yahoo Location: KL-K.Kangsar WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
shekin1807kea@rocketmail.com Date: Wed,
Apr 08, 1998 at 21:54:23 (EDT)
Comments: Excellent!!!... 
Visitor: Rough
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Wed, Apr 08, 1998 at 10:16:08 (EDT)
Comments: Woi Jita? Don't tell me you don't even know how to subscribe to
a listserve? Hello... Have you sunk that low... at par with Fadli and Fazurin? By the way,
mana TV and mana claim aku?????? Tipu lah miss the celoteh, all hundreds of e-mails that
you get from our batch each day tu ko bukan baca pun, delete je.....
Visitor: Rafizi Ramli
Reference: Hmmm..... Location: WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: Not necessary Date: Wed, Apr 08, 1998 at
10:12:37 (EDT)
Comments: Laa... Lama lak aku tak check homepage ni. Dulu aku jugak
bising kalau tak update. Banyak kerja lah, nak kena exercise sebab nak shed weight lagi,
and I just found out that I am doing the wrong course... Love life tak menjadi.... Spring
looks more like autumn, setahun lagi nak graduate, housemate hilang ntah ke mana, orang
semua dah kahwin kita tak ke mana..... Banyak nya problem, macam mana nak tolong update
homepage? By the way, aku nak masak for Raya Haji this weekend, sapa nak datang to HQ (
BNB Jita ) datang le, kalau tak tahu TOO BAD!!! Ada sapa-sapa yang dah kahwin ke? Sekarang
ni musim orang kahwin je, no wonder lah spring tak menjadi.... 
Visitor: BATCH 9802
Reference: From Yahoo Location: Kuala Lumpur WebSite: 9802 HOMEPAGE Web Info: Baru belajar
Contact: mie85@hotmail.com Date: Tuesday, Apr 07,
1998 at 10:27:21 (EDT)
Comments: ASSALAMUALAIKUM.......HP nih memang lawa.. ...
Visitor: 2001 - Stanley Kubrick
Reference: after two years of trying Location: ss15 near maple WebSite:
Web Info: Contact: Date: Thurs, Apr 02, 1998 at 09:26:33 (EST)
Comments: blood is thicker than water 
Visitor: Notorious Jita
Reference: how else... Location: UK WebSite: Web Info: Contact: a.abdulrahman@ic.ac.uk Date: Tuesday, Mar 24,
1998 at 07:20:15 (EST)
Comments: Been a long time since last I visit!!! Rindu lak,
muahahahaha...Excellent work, all of U!!!! By the way, tolong le aku coz aku still tak leh
subscribe listserve Harrie tu!!! Tension..........lama tak dengar celoteh korang :) |
Visitor: Ikram 90-074-94
Reference: Hey, I'm a loyal patron. Location: Victoria, Ozzie - the garden state WebSite: Web Info: Contact: m.badarudin@ugrad.unimelb.edu.au
Date: Tuesday, Mar 17, 1998 at 20:41:21 (EST)
Comments: Waaa, sekarang ni best aa.. yang dulu tak pernah dengo cerita
pun dah masuk. Excellent!! Those who never contacted me, you're very welcome to do so.
I'll be glad to hear from you.. Bedmate aku no. 73 tu apa cerita wei?? Where are you
now??.. never come across you in emails 
Visitor: Erra
Reference: surf on it Location: KL WebSite: - Web Info: Contact: s & c Date: Tuesday, Mar 17, 1998 at 20:23:09 (EST)
Comments: Congrats! You've done a great job.I like the way how you all
keep in touch. |
Visitor: PlugBoy
Reference: Hotbot...coz Hotbot rules Location: KL WebSite: Xantheus Commune 85-89 Web Info: Da funkiest sound
around Contact: webmaster@xantheus.com.my
Date: Fri, Mar 13, 1998 at 04:32:31 (EST)
Comments: Nicely done. Keep up the good work! Shameless plug:
http://www.xantheus.com.my 85-89...come home boyz 
Visitor: norezam
Reference: spacecop Location: shah alam WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Sat, Mar 07, 1998 at 17:36:11 (EST)
Comments: good work..... 
Visitor: Dr. Abdul Razif Abdul Razak
Reference: surfing Location: batch 74-78 WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: razif28.tm.net.my Date: Thurs, Mar 05,
1998 at 23:09:40 (EST)
Comments: good work 
Visitor: e-zam no 9313994
Reference: poq peq Location: s'ban WebSite: Web Info: Contact: gaban14@hotmail.com Date: Fri, Feb 27, 1998 at
14:20:39 (EST)
Comments: to jures and co... congrates...cayalah..batch nilah paling
best, tak sia-sia aku masuk koleq dulu.. sapa2 yang nak contact aku tu...boleh la..aku dah
lama cari homepage ni tapi tak jumpa..hehehe buta internet...nasib baik ada poq peq.. okay
.. to belly and kno...i miss u guys. 
Reference: poq peq Location: seremban WebSite: Web Info: Contact: idzam14@rocketmail.com Date: Fri, Feb 27, 1998 at
13:55:00 (EST)
Comments: No comment at this time..... 
Visitor: Raja Petra Kamarudin
Reference: You are linked to our Class of 63-69 Location: MCKK Class of 63-69 WebSite: MCKK Class Of 63-69 Web Info: MCKK Old Boys
Homepage Contact: petra@tm.net.my Date: Thurs, Feb
19, 1998 at 18:59:24 (EST)
Comments: No comment at this time..... 
Visitor: an adilah
Reference: just surf on it............ Location: u.s. WebSite: welcome to our lesbian site....!! Web
Info: quite good...!!!!!! Contact: gontel@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, Jan 26, 1998 at 01:11:45 (EST)
Comments: korang punye homepage lawalah.....tapi ape-ape hal hompage
kiteorang lagi lawa.....muahahahahahaha.... -budak tkc- 
Visitor: cop & lat & toy &aweng& co
Reference: don't ask Location: brooga @ lenggeng WebSite: nil Web
Info: Contact: khaize@hotmail-aweng@yahoo-
Date: Sun, Jan 25, 1998 at 13:56:26 (EST)
Comments: We are organizing an annual dinner in May 98
so please
keep in touch or just leave a contact no at Khaize@hotmail or call directly (most of the
time susah nak dapat
..tapi boleeh kot) at 2530496 ..0193217101 for khaize or lat or
calll personally to the president himself at 032548120 and asked for mr toy. All calls
will be charged by
Telekom himself please be aware. Have a nice day And salamatpo
hari raya Thank you for choosing:- Lat & toy entertainment services 
Visitor: ina
Reference: okay..... Location: selangor WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Sat, Jan 24, 1998 at 03:37:25 (EST)
Comments: well...your homepage is...okay, neat satisfaying.congrats to
all of you , MCKKians.... kindy frm. sok sek girl 
Visitor: -
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Sat, Jan 24, 1998 at 03:34:10 (EST)
Comments: No comment at this time..... 
Reference: Location: MALAYSIA WebSite: Web Info: Contact: pmukl@medic.ukm.my Date: Mon, Jan 19, 1998 at
22:31:32 (EST)
Visitor: aiwa
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: ismail kerbau ke? Date: Wed, Jan 14, 1998 at 04:39:34
Comments: komeng? 
Visitor: aiwa
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Tuesday, Jan 06, 1998 at 00:41:16 (EST)
Comments: malas ah nak komen ntah ape nak komen selamat berpuasa ala
korang macam puase |
Visitor: bella ramli
Reference: through friends Location: melayu kat michigan, ann arbor (U.S.A) WebSite: Web Info: Contact: irmadura@umich.edu
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 at 06:15:11 (EST)
Comments: hmmm.... intriguing. reminds me of my old days in high school.
friendship indeed lasts forever. keep cool....especially with your writings. |
Visitor: Koklatunga Makenatawe
Reference: Hmm.... bukan susah pun... Location: WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: Date: Thurs, Dec 11, 1997 at 07:04:44 (EST)
Comments: Boringnya, Xmas dah dekat tapi exam tak study lagi. Tidur tak
cukup.... Programming tak jadi.... Weather is getting worse.... Hmmm.... Wish I can be a
kid again..... |
Visitor: didee ezral mohd. rashidi Chibiok
Reference: batch kau lah !!! Location: malaysia mali WebSite: Web
Info: Contact: guest1@prk.itm.edu.my Date: Wed,
Dec 10, 1997 at 02:45:52 (EST)
Comments: i'm sill alive geng .... where is fadhil and the geng.
Visitor: salmiaton hamdan
Reference: just surf on it!! Location: johor WebSite: - Web Info: -
Contact: manja1@yahoo.com Date: Mon, Dec 08, 1997 at
22:19:23 (EST)
Comments: a'kum...i puas ati la tengok hp u .. ade klasss....u cam make
it more interesting..'canggih beb!!'... 
Visitor: ayien nie...!!
Reference: surf la Location: Malaysia...negaraku tercinta WebSite:
Web Info: coming soon dud... Contact: ayeens@hotmail.com / 01020231@utn.edu.my Date: Sat, Dec 06, 1997
at 12:03:46 (EST)
Comments: Well..what can I say more except ... Nice work duds... The HP
is really cool and damn gempaq. So just keep up your good work.. Cuma rajin-rajinlah
update sikit especially on the articles part.. May Allah bless us alwiz! 
Visitor: ambo
Reference: den tau la mano Location: umah den WebSite: joe nye tempat nyemak Web Info: buang
maso ajo haaa Contact: masuk ompej den la
kalo gitu Date: Wed, Dec 03, 1997 at 06:39:24 (EST)
Comments: hahaha silap lak.. tido wei tidoooooo 
Visitor: ambo
Reference: den tau la mano Location: umah den WebSite: joe nye tempat nyemak Web Info: buang
maso ajo haaa Contact: tengok ha bawoh tuuu
Date: Wed, Dec 03, 1997 at 06:38:10 (EST)
Comments: adoi mangai..saja nyomak haaa pehal la takleh tido nih..
caffeine overload?? hell yeah... |
Visitor: MCOBA
Reference: search Location: Malaysia WebSite: Web Info: Contact: mcoba@tm.net.my Date: Fri, Nov 28, 1997 at 05:27:00
Comments: Please e-mail your name, year in college, college house and
e-mail address to the address listed above. MCOBA would like to maintain database of kolej
boys. |
Visitor: iera
Reference: Location: WebSite: juz' nice.... Web Info: Contact: ziera@hotmail.com Date: Tuesday, Nov 25, 1997 at
10:49:50 (EST)
Comments: Great job guys...no wonder that homepage nie paling gempaq, I
think so..N'way it's just nice for you all yang alwiz busy..Occay..chaow and adios! |
Visitor: she_dEvil
Reference: from a friend Location: a small little island WebSite:
Web Info: Contact: hani_harun@hotmail.com
Date: Tuesday, Nov 25, 1997 at 08:29:49 (EST)
Comments: well,to me it's kinda cool.actually thinking of all the time
spend.it's awesome but...maybe you should put more information and tell us more about
histories........chow.... |
Visitor: Pawe(presiden 9498)
Reference: Location: koleq WebSite: Web Info: Contact: Date: Sun, Nov 23, 1997 at 23:45:00 (EST)
Comments: Thanks for everything in 1994. Tunggu dua tiga tahun lagi, 9498
pun akan ada homepage! |
Visitor: Use-rie
Reference: MCKK homepage Location: KL WebSite: Web Info: Contact: yusri@ttsb.com.my Date: Sat, Nov 22, 1997 at 14:56:14
Comments: Nice job guys... I wish I have time to create one for my batch.
Anyway, I'm batch of '89.. YUP! the very batch that used the 'E' doby numbers before you
guys... So, keep up the good work.. especially the articles section, keep 'em coming, love
to read more... |
Visitor: aku wong
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Tuesday, Nov 18, 1997 at 07:46:45 (EST)
Comments: caya la kauorang...semua anyway letakle banyak-banyak sikit
gambar aku...woi... |
Visitor: 12 th
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact:
Date: Fri, Nov 14, 1997 at 20:52:10 (EST)
Comments: more at my site
Visitor: E 23
Reference: Easy.. Location: Tepeng. WebSite: Hmmm..
Web Info: Errr.. Contact: plese refer batch net
Date: Wed, Nov 12, 1997 at 19:21:59 (EST)
Comments: Hmm, first time aku usha, guestbook nih. Ada kandaq, ada
pokpek. Peh. lama tak borak ngan diorang. Takkan email kandaq sorang je kot yg ada.
Apa-apa hal congrats to Jures jugakle eventhough ramai yg dok komplen hp tak update-update
pun. Takpe Jures aku paham perasaan kau.. Selamat... Wassalam 
Visitor: sd
Reference: Location: Ozzie WebSite: s.d.a Web Info: Contact: sdzai1@student.monash.ed.au
Date: Wed, Nov 12, 1997 at 03:52:06 (EST)
Comments: okie..okie.. 
Visitor: atizeb 96
Reference: imthemaster Location: KL WebSite: Web Info: Contact: atizeb@mailcity.com Date: Sun, Nov 09, 1997 at
01:35:50 (EST)
Comments: Hmmmm... gempak! Membanggakan! 
Visitor: Mohd Samsuri Abdul Kadir
Reference: Location: KL WebSite:
Web Info: Sementara..... Contact: panaha@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, Nov 07, 1997 at 09:18:42 (EST)
Comments: sorry ler woi, aku punya e-mail tak siap lagi...
Visitor: Adzuan
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: a9765069@qub.ac.uk Date: Wed, Nov 05, 1997 at
06:41:52 (EST)
Comments: Sesiapa nak menjue dengan aku; jangan malu-malu. Just got my
e-mail soughted out. byeee... 
Visitor: alina hashim
Reference: surfing... Location: malaysia WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: alina77@hotmail.com Date: Tuesday, Nov
04, 1997 at 06:23:52 (EST)
Comments: nice homepage.. keep up 
Visitor: Khairulnizam Omar (KNO)
Reference: Location: Univ. of Tenaga Nasional WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: 01020273@utn.edu.my Date: Mon, Nov 03,
1997 at 20:51:49 (EST)
Comments: Assalamualaikum.... first of all, memang cun gile homepage ni,
and one more thing, grahic pun orait gak, so congrats la ok....... that 's all gotta dot
now... KNo member of 9000894 |
Visitor: mohamad rizal bin baharum
Reference: toilet paper Location: malaysia lah aku bdak koleq gak WebSite: rizaflip
Web Info: untuk member irc hehehe Contact: aramco@tm.net.my,ritze153@hotmail
Date: Sun, Nov 02, 1997 at 10:18:47 (EST)
Comments: hmmm jures cun sial hp nih gempak gak......kagum.....senang
link kan lah hp aku nih ok....senang bebudak usha line aku hihihihi tata wei kenal ke aku
nih? risau aku aku e153 ok  |
Visitor: Adzuan Abdul Rahman
Reference: Netscape Location: I'm sure you'll know. WebSite: Web
Info: Contact: 50 Mount Charles, BT7 1NZ
Date: Sun, Nov 02, 1997 at 09:51:01 (EST)
Comments: I'm having some difficulty with my e-mail address, hence the
vacant boxes. |
Visitor: mohd affendi ( batch 9296 )
Reference: guess? Location: rugby school , u.k WebSite: Web Info:
Contact: Date: Sun, Nov 02, 1997 at 09:32:57 (EST)
Comments: To Jures , Oraitlah your batch punyer home page . Ana punyer
alamat : rugbystd@rmplc.co.uk dlm column subject taip : shafma Ok ana chow dulu .
Visitor: Afifi Ahmad
Reference: Woi aku budak Batch kome la... Location: Malaysia WebSite: Dah cakap takde :) Web Info:
Contact: popeq@rocketmail.com Date: Sun, Nov 02,
1997 at 06:09:07 (EST)
Comments: Korang takde kerja lain ke ? Belajar lagi bagus daripada
surfing internet . Chiow wui contact contact ler aku..... 
Visitor: BO-TJAP
Reference: Ikhtiar ,insya-allah Location: from my mother WebSite:
Web Info: Contact: bochap@mailexcite Date: Tuesday,
Oct 28, 1997 at 05:06:38 (EST)
Comments: so far okla...but one thing aku nak tau, sapa yang tulis
journal tu???
Visitor: totoro
Reference: Location: Nippong WebSite: Web Info: Contact: mtop@writeme.com Date: Mon, Oct 27, 1997 at 20:24:44
Comments: Oraitle sikit drpd dulu... 
Visitor: kandak
Reference: Location: WebSite: Web Info: Contact: kandaq@rocketmail Date: Sat, Oct 25, 1997 at 10:17:02
Comments: gua sunnguh sedih pasal KIwi may God bless him |
Visitor: mtop
Reference: Dah lama tak surf Location: Kumamoto, Japan WebSite: Web
Info: Contact: mtop@writeme.com Date: Sun, Oct 19,
1997 at 06:11:34 (EDT)
Comments: Ello geng... please ler up-date kan bhgn members tu... |
Visitor: imran
Reference: Location: WebSite: best view
without clothes Web Info: tak de le blu Contact: serverjaring.com
Date: Fri, Oct 17, 1997 at 06:02:28 (EDT)
Comments: ni sku nsk jusl pantun Pisang emas dibawa belayar Masak sebiji
di atas peti Hutang emas boleh dibayar Hutang budi dibawa mati Pisang masak atas peti tu
ketua lanun makan Sebab beras tak ada atas kapal tu Hutang emas pun saudara-mara tolong
bayarkan Sebab orang yang berhutang tu mati dulu. Bila ketua lanun dah makan pisang yang
masak Lanun yang lain tak makan le sebab pisang yang lain tu belum masak Tiba bab bayar
membayar ni siapa pun tak nak Tapi serba salah juga sebab orang yang kasi hutang tu dah
mintak. Bila tak makan lanun-lanun tu pun lapar gila la Nak belayar pun dah rasa tak larat
Tak bayar karang satu keluarga malu la Tak best lah kan orang dah mati kena umpat. Bila
tak larat nak belayar, merompak lagi le tak larat Sebab tenaga tak ada semua lanun duduk
melepek Sebab tu la pada yang belum mati dibagi nasihat Jangan biarkan hutang bertepek
Bila tak merompak tak boleh jadi lanun yang garang Bila tak jadi lanun, tak guna la
belayar Bila tak ada hutang ada la duit sikit nak beli pisang Bila makan pisang, tak mati
lapar baru la boley belayar |
Visitor: pie
Reference: wahyu Location: 3re rock from the sun WebSite: 3rd
rock from the sun Web Info: lawak Contact: csi44871@cs.usm.my
Date: Tuesday, Oct 14, 1997 at 02:20:28 (EDT)
Comments: sapa tau saswa kat mana. dia ada utang aku tak settle lagi. dia
kat uum ke?. saswa ,pulang balik aku punya sampin 
Visitor: nama saya ismawi.
Reference: Location: kat umah. Kat situ aaaaa.... WebSite: Web
Info: Contact: sinis_666@hotmail.com
(tekan enter) Date: Mon, Oct 13, 1997 at 15:55:47 (EDT)
Comments: sape mintak gambo kat aku ari tu hah? Sorry la rough.. Nanti
aku send. Nak cuci neg. hilang. Aiwa cilok. Marah kat dia.So nanti aku scan ke apa ke
,,mana yang ada. cakap banyak pun tak guna. Kau reply la aaaa. 
Visitor: faizal hj baharom
Reference: internet la.....apa lagi Location: la trobe uni. melbourne WebSite: Web Info: Contact: faizalb@hotmail
Date: Wed, Oct 08, 1997 at 22:54:49 (EDT)
Comments: No comment at this time..... 
Visitor: Ahmad nizam jembari (che' mad)
Reference: azril punya comp Location: indianapolis WebSite: Kiss
Assylum Web Info: Kiss le Contact: anmohama@iupui.edu
Date: Mon, Oct 06, 1997 at 00:04:05 (EDT)
Comments: No comment! 
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